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Where To From here

We are certainly in VUCA times (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous). Many businesses are focused exclusively on responding to the immediate future and what they have to do now to overcome the challenges of the next few months. This requires agility in decision-making, new thinking and new learning about what is and what is not possible and what the market for your products and services looks like now and for the next several months.

We need to ensure that we’re thinking beyond that horizon, post the transition period, at what the “new normal” may look like in 6-12 months or longer…

What might the market look like, how customers perception of value has / may change and most importantly how your business model may need to change. Therein lies the opportunity, to re-think your business from the ground up.

Time to find, question or jettison the ‘Sacred Cows’ in your business?

This is the opportunity to rebuild from the ground-up, to take the time (previously always in short supply) and think of your business as a start-up BUT with the advantage of your xx years of experience.

It makes sense to put together some of the ‘Young Turks’ in your business. Give them the time, space and a mandate to flush out some no-holds barred thinking. Challenge those conservative “this is the only way we do things around here” limitations.

I too need to re-think how I show-up, deliver and add value. The first virtual CEO Luncheon was held on Friday 20th March and received a great response. They are different but no less valuable events. We can now do these more frequently and open them up to attendees across the country or indeed the world.

I’m also launching a new initiative – a Webinar Series “Leading Conversations with..”

In these 45 minute webinars I will be talking with Industry Leaders and subject matter experts – addressing issues relevant to CEOs right now.

For the latest webinar check out the Events on our website

If you would like to attend the webinar, simply register below (it’s free):

Register For Webinar

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