Leading Conversation With...

Ashton Bishop

CEO Step Change

Leading take-outs from webinar

  • The ‘tyranny of distance’ has been eliminated. All over the globe we’re doing the same thing – with time zones overlapping.
  • Businesses are navigating their way through three stages:
    1. Triage: What do we need to do now to adjust and survive -potentially for a long haul.
    2. Re-imagination: There’s an opportunity to let go of old ways that no-longer serve and to re-imagine your business as start-up but with years of experience. Set-up a team of mavericks from your organisation to explore this.
    3. Re-invention: To choose new pathways and opportunities that emerge from the re-imagination phase.
  • Leaders can provide certainty in this period of uncertainty by being clear about what they can be certain about and coming back to purpose and values.
  • Lean on your Advisory Board now and if you don’t have one, now is the time to appoint one.
  • Discover the previously ‘hidden value’ in your organisation, how does that translate into value for you customer?
    • There is a heightened spirit of collaboration now both within and between organisations -discover how to harness that opportunity.

    Ashton has kindly shared his 5Cs of Crisis Response here: The 5Cs of Crisis Response

    Ashton’s path was a somewhat unusual one.

    After graduating with a commerce/law degree, he turned his hand to street performing, TV presenting, stand-up comedy, film directing, and even literally ran away with the circus.
    Fortunately, Ashton eventually found his niche in marketing, where he has spent the last 14 years working internationally on some of the world’s biggest brands. He’s a business owner, serial entrepreneur, challenging, sometimes even controversial, but always focused on what gets results.

    He’s run million-dollar campaigns for billion-dollar brands, created Australia’s first mobile app, won film awards, guest lectured at leading universities, and has won Speaker of the Year for Australia’s number one CEO network on multiple occasions.

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