Choosing The Right Strategy™ is the most important function of the CEO and Board.
It also provides the framework for the organisation to make decisions.
The most challenging aspect of leading a business is in navigating the inherently imperfect world of allocating limited resources internally whilst anticipating or responding to external threats and opportunities.
‘The Right Strategy™’ liberates the organisation from being merely ‘opportunistic’ to being able to evaluate and to take advantage of the ‘Right’ opportunities. Using a sailing analogy, it’s the difference between merely following the direction of the wind -versus charting a course to arrive at a destination.
You know customer perceptions of value are changing rapidly; what was a ground-breaking innovation yesterday is the new norm today. You know that new business models are up-ending industries; its far easier for agile start-ups to commence with an innovative business model than it is for established mid-size businesses to shift gear; the pull of Business as Usual is powerful.