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Where to From Here – Different Thinking

Harnessing the Opportunities

Navigating through the current times is challenging, as it requires completely different thinking. Now is the time to establish a small Re-Imagining Team, populated by the enthusiastic mavericks, the Young Turks in your organisation. Give them time and a budget to re-think everything, to imagine your business as a start-up but with 10-20 years of experience. Ask them what would they keep, what would they let go?

The model below provides a framework to assist your thinking…

Triage: What do we have to do right now to survive the next 6 months?

Re-Imagination: How can we re-imagine the business that is, the value we offer clients and how we deliver our products and services (Business Model) in a way that peels away the inefficiency in our ‘current’ model from top to bottom.

Re-invention: From the re-imagining process will come myriad of ideas. The re-invention process links those ideas to your purpose and captures how you will deliver value via a new sustainable, business model.

How is the heightened sense of “shared purpose” manifested in your organisation? Is it deeper engagement with your people, greater discretionary effort, closer relationships with clients? How can you capture the behaviours as the new normal?

Now is the time to lean on your Advisory Board for that new thinking, to access the skills your organisation needs and the networks you can leverage.


The “tyranny of distance” has been eliminated. Across the globe your colleagues, prospects, potential collaborators are doing exactly what you are doing, they are a captive audience perhaps craving engagement?


Here’s some questions for you to reflect on that may help you discover the hidden opportunities and hidden value in your organisation:

  • What have you learned about yourself and your leadership?
  • What have you learned about your organisations capability and agility?
  • Who are the New Leaders that have emerged?
  • What systems processes need to change?
  • What will you not go back to?

Leading Conversations Webinar with…
Dale Beaumont – CEO Business Blueprint.
Tuesday April 28th 1pm -1.45pm

In this free Leading Conversations Webinar, I will be exploring with Dale Beaumont the steps he has taken to pivot Business Blueprint (his Entrepreneur Support / Education Co) to remain relevant to its clients and the learning Dale has gained from the transformations his clients have made over these last several weeks.

Register now and if you can’t make the time a recording will be sent to you.

If you would like to attend the webinar on April 28th , simply register below (it’s free):

Register For Webinar

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